At Jawan Organic Farms Australia's CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture), we're trail-blazers in crafting cutting-edge commercial glass-greenhouses.

AgriStarter Loan

Loans to assist first-time farmers and loans to support farm succession arrangements


Our expertise lies in developing commercial farm systems tailored for controlled environment horticulture. From pioneering equipment design to leading-edge research and development endeavours, we leverage our knowledge to automate food production through aquaponics farming methods.

Our vision is to lead the charge in sustainable and responsible commercial farming, achieving unmatched water efficiency, utilising less than 5% compared to other technologies in food production farming.

Jawan Farms will facilitate your access to Federal Government-supported Horticultural Loans, enabling your transition from traditional soil-based farming practices to Aquaponic Farming on your land.

Welcome to the official website https://www.ric.gov.au/ of the Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) - the Australian government's financial assistance provider for primary producers.

If you are a farmer or agricultural business owner looking to expand your operations or invest in your primary production land, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we will walk you through the RIC.gov.au application process, ensuring you have all the information you need to successfully apply for financial support.

Step 1: Determine Eligibility

Before beginning the application process, it is crucial to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria set by the RIC. The RIC provides financial assistance to Australian primary producers who are experiencing drought, looking to improve their water infrastructure, or seeking to invest in farm-related infrastructure. Visit the RIC.gov.au website to review the eligibility requirements and ensure your project aligns with the RIC's funding priorities.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

Once you have confirmed your eligibility, it's time to gather the necessary documents for your application. The RIC requires specific information to assess your project's viability and determine the appropriate level of financial support. Some of the documents you may need to provide include:

  • Proof of ownership or lease agreement for the primary production land
  • Financial statements and business plans
  • Quotes or estimates for the proposed project
  • Environmental impact assessments, if applicable

Step 3: Complete the Application Form

Once you have all the required documents, you can proceed to complete the RIC application form. The form can be accessed and submitted online through the RIC.gov.au website. Make sure to provide accurate and detailed information about your project, including the purpose of the funding, the expected outcomes, and the proposed timeline.

Step 4: Submit the Application

After completing the application form, carefully review all the information provided to ensure its accuracy. Once you are confident that everything is in order, submit your application through the RIC.gov.au website. Keep a copy of the submitted application for your records.

Step 5: Application Assessment

Once your application is submitted, the RIC will assess it based on the eligibility criteria and funding priorities. The assessment process may involve further inquiries or requests for additional information. It is important to respond promptly and provide any requested documentation to facilitate the assessment process.

Step 6: Funding Decision

After the assessment is complete, the RIC will make a funding decision based on the viability and alignment of your project with their funding priorities. If your application is successful, you will be notified of the funding offer and the terms and conditions associated with it.

Step 7: Acceptance and Disbursement

If you choose to accept the funding offer, you will need to review and sign the funding agreement provided by the RIC. Once the agreement is signed, the RIC will disburse the approved funds according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions.

Step 8: Project Implementation of Jawan Farm construction and Reporting

With the funds received, you can proceed with implementing your project. It is important to adhere to the agreed-upon timeline and provide progress reports to the RIC as required. These reports help the RIC monitor the project's progress and ensure the funds are being used appropriately.

For any questions or assistance throughout the application process, you can contact the RIC directly through their website or by calling their dedicated support line. The RIC is committed to supporting Australian primary producers and helping them thrive in their agricultural endeavours. 

 *Conditions of RIC application policy will apply. 

With our specialised construction team, drawing from experience in the Netherlands greenhouse industry, we'll revolutionise your farm's traditional soil-based food farming practices, delivering faster growth and increased yields of 100% pure organic produce like never before. 


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