QLD Government QRIDA Loans to Aussie Farmers - Low % rate


Drought Assistance Information

Farmers are facing some of the worst drought conditions ever experienced, with the Government confirming 100 percent of NSW is in a drought and over 60 percent of Queensland is in drought or is drought-affected. The conditions have seen costs of stock feed and transport soaring. Australia is experiencing the biggest domestic demand for feed grain that we’ve seen for at least the last decade, and for the first time fodder from Western Australia has been shipped to New South Wales.

Aquaponic Fodder Growing Systems are not a new idea it is, in fact, an ancient proven process 10,000BC, a, however, is a new innovation within the farming industry. Using 93% LESS WATER than any other known traditional fodder growing, broadacre or grain. Natural and organic, how much will this be worth at the livestock sales? As much as 10-20% more valuable as your livestock enter the value-added organic world. Yet, all to ease the drought and costs of feeding your stock.

It is a 'WIN-WIN' solution

Official Organic, Non-Chemical Certification is available to certify your livestock is fed with 100% natural, non-chemical, organic feed. This has to be the best innovation to hit the Australian farming industry in generations. AQUAFOD will not only drought-proof your farm no matter how dry your location environment may be, but it will also increase your livestock health and may provide higher weights at sale time. AQUAFOD systems produce 100% ORGANIC non-chemical fodder for your livestock, no matter what livestock your farm produces. 

Use the government calculator to estimate how your farm may innovate fodder production on your farm to better grow your livestock. Evaluate the loan amount and repayments. Used together with AQUAFOD (ROI) return on investment calculator, it may become clear AQUAFOD have the best drought solution. 

AQUAFOD calculator will take you to the Queensland Rural and Industry Authority (QRIDA) 

 Loan calculator 

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