Aquaponic Farming - Backup Supply-Kits for Sale Australia | Delivery Policy

Aquaponic Add-On Supply Kits for Sale Australia | Delivery Policy


"Aquaponic Farming Systems for Sale Australia | Delivery Policy"

International Freight by special arrangements

Our Systems Factory specifically manufactured for Aquaponic Warrior Australia.

We have negotiated a favorable cost for deliveries of replacement backup supply kits to the Transport firms Depot in the above-listed capital cities. All deliveries are freight quoted on the day. 

The freight isn't door to door, it's depot to depot. We reserve the right to change or cancel this policy at any time.

Orders already placed are going to be delivered based on the delivery terms in place at the time of order on an order-by-order basis.

Kits are going to be delivered freight excluded to Brisbane, Tasmania, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Northern Territory, also included other regional towns, as quoted.

Freight corporations will not deliver kits to an address wherever there's no forklift. Tailgate equipped truck delivery to the door may be organised however, at the purchaser's expense. in this case, the kit is delivered by the transport company to the purchaser's front gate only.

Tasmania, Perth, Darwin, and Cairns will be flat cost $400.00+ Freight charge on any normal system or kit. Freight is due on deliveries to country areas from the closest capital city.

Supply-Kits are freighted to the transport logistics depot within the capital city. The consumer will need to pick up from the freight companies depot using a trailer or utility. This arrangement is proving to work well. 

Delivery Insurance is the onus of the purchaser.

Please Note: We need to add a minimum of 20-100gms to the weights of a product to allow for wrapping and packaging weight which will be calculated by shipping logistic companies. 


Aquaponic Warrior may from time to time run special delivery rates or free shipping. 

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